I love the feeling of purchasing something so epic that it takes all my self control to go on with my normal life when all I really want to do is sit on my front porch and wait for the postman to bring it. I have had that feeling twice this year. The first was when I bought this:
Yup, I know, super freaking awesome but a new package arrived today that gives it competition for the title of "Best Purchase of the Year."
5 boxes of the most delicious bread ever. Olga flatbread from Olga's Kitchen. It was by far the best place to eat at the mall when I was growing up. I think people actually might have cried when it closed. Its still open in Michigan. (I have definitely thought about a trip to michigan only for Olga's) Now I can make their delicious three cheese sandwiches whenever I want. I don't think anything will wipe the smile off of my face today.