Monday, April 23, 2012


I've been oil pulling for a few weeks now and I love it! I use olive oil once or twice a day.  I haven't hit 20 minutes yet but i'm almost there.  Here's a link for all things oil pulling: oil pulling

I decided to combine oil pulling with the detox foot pads.  I can already hear the comments from a  few of my friends and family members about how detoxing is a scam, yada yada yada, but I love all my little detoxing habits.  The only problem with the footpads is they make my whole room smell like whatever is in the foot pad things.  Its not a terrible smell but I always equate the smell with the brown goo it collects in the night so its not my favorite scent.

I've been researching dogs and coconut oil and it seems to do some detoxing for the dogs so my poor little Luke has been pulled into my detoxing obsession too.  He seems to enjoy the oil though!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A tour of the ship

My Bathroom.  Yup that's pretty much it.  You can see the shower curtain on the left.  The shower was just big enough to stand in.  It became difficult if you wanted to raise your arms.  I also heard rumors that the water caused people to loose their hair.  

Friday, April 13, 2012

My practical magic list

I like to come up with random things that would get me to propose to a guy on the spot. My mom calls it my practical magic list, like Sandra Bullock's list in the movie Practical Magic. (see the link below)

  In my defense I'm not looking for a guy who has all of my qualities but if I find one that has just one I will propose on the spot.

 At the top of the list is:

 Having a framed Tom Selleck Poster in his home. I want to walk into an adult apartment (not a 20-something apartment surrounded by used keg cups and playstation games) and see this hanging tastefully on the wall in a frame.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

To Whom it May Concern:

Dear Movie Industry,

 Please stop making Nicholas Sparks' books into movies, it only encourages him to write more books. 

Sincerely, Kerry

 Dear Movie Watchers,

 Please stop going to see Nicholas Sparks' movies, it only encourages the movie industry to make more Nicholas Sparks movies.

 Sincerely, Kerry

 Update: I realized after watching the latest episode of Army Wives that maybe people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Dorm Life

I think I lived in the Abrams too long. I immediately pictured the elves passing out in the stairwells, hooking up in the hallways, and doing the walk of shame.

Sunday, April 8, 2012



A tour of the Ship

I finally went through the photos I took on the cruise ship. Here's a little tour of my room, emphasis on the word little.

 1. My bed-I had already turned in my sheets so its just a bare mattress. It was supposed to have a curtain that closed but it was missing and since I was only there for 2 days I never got it replaced.
2. My grumpy roommate's bed-she wasn't the nicest but luckily she slept in her boyfriend's room
3. My nice roommate's bed-we were new together and we were supposed to work together but they moved her to laundry immediately after arriving.
 4. My closet-Each person in the room was given one drawer(you can see them under the beds) and one closet to keep all their stuff.
5. My roommate's closets

 I am standing at the front door to the room to my left is the door to the bathroom (I'll post pictures of that next)and right below me to the right was a tiny refrigerator that was smaller then the one I had in the dorms at UNLV. I am forever thankful that I did not have to spend 5 months of my life living in this room. YAY for jumping ship.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Little Squishy

It's the third birthday of my most favorite person ever. Happy birthday sweet nephew.  Some words of wisdom from the little nugget:

"look mom, a sphinx." (while looking through figurines of ancient egypt)

After having gravity explained to him by his dad,
"What about Astronauts?"

"This little piggy had roast beef, this little piggy had naan"

"I'm flying to Germany"

"I want a tummy ache, Please I really really want a tummy ache" (after being told too much candy will give you a tummy ache)

"I'm going to use the urinal. Is he going to use the urinal because he's a man?"

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Thanks UNLV

A few weeks ago when I was in Las Vegas for a career fair. I decided to stop into the career center. I'd never been in there and I figured they might have some good resources. They had free issues of a magazine called CareerRookie. I picked up a copy because one of the articles was "10 jobs that pay beginners well." The 10 jobs were:

 1. Airline pilots, Co-pilots, and Flight Engineers
2. Chemical Engineers
3. Computer and Information Scientists
4. Education Administrators
5. Financial Managers
6. Lawyers
7. Mathematicians
8. Nuclear Engineers
 9. Orthodontists
10. Prosthodontists

 This was helpful. **note the sarcasm**