Friday, October 26, 2012

i miss...


I hate pesto on my pasta but i miss it in my eggs, on my bread, on my pizza.  2 months and one week until pesto :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

navy guy

The Navy guy I wrote about a few posts ago who had the stereotypes for California has been telling people on the FOB that I'm really a liberal undercover reporter from CNN.  Apparently his unit believes him so they're not big fans of mine.  I'm waiting for this rumor to get around the whole FOB.  I'm preparing myself to be called into the Sergeant Major's office to explain myself.  I swear I try to stay out of trouble!

Another DFAC story:

The army labels our food by color.  Red is foods you should limit, yellow food is ok, but they want you to load up on green foods.  There are posters around the DFAC explaining the colors and what they mean and each label for the actual food has a color.  I'm sure this would be helpful if the people who put the labels on my food knew what the colors meant.  Last week my onion rings were labeled as a green food.  I thought I was going color blind so I starred at it for longer then was normal.  I'm sure the people in line behind me just wanted me to move but seriously?!  


I feel like there is something messed up about putting "Cheeseburger in Paradise" on the menu at the DFAC.  

Saturday, October 13, 2012

half way point

I am half way done with my time in Afghanistan.  I'm starting to think of the things that i'm excited for back home.  Number one on the list is this guy:

I'm also excited about having a bed where you don't feel every spring, sushi, not being called ma'am all the time (I know that's weird), female friends, being able to eat while wearing flip flops (shoes in the DFAC have to be closed toe and with backs), not having to walk outside for the bathroom, 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

i'm employed

I'm employed again! i'm employed again!!  It kind of lost its appeal after the first hour but at least I'm back to earning a paycheck.  

Monday, October 8, 2012

bite suit and unemployment

Thanks for the reminders about the ice cream this week!!  I got in there and had a bowl.  It was one of the highlights of the week.  Right now I am technically unemployed.  Our contract has to be approved my Congress before we can start working again soooo I'm just hanging out in Afghanistan with nothing to do.  I loved that when I told people I was unemployed they immediately thought I'd broken a rule and told me not to leave the wire.  I love what my friends think of me :)

Since I had hours to fill I went down to the k-9 compound and put on a bite suit and let the MP dogs attack me.  As multiple people pointed out this probably wasn't the smartest idea for someone who is afraid of dogs.  The dog pulled me down at one point and got really close to biting my face soooooo my fear of dogs is still intact!  

Monday, October 1, 2012

things I miss

ice cream cones and thrift stores.  I always forget that Fridays are ice cream day at the DFAC and I miss it.  I'm determined to make it this week!  If anyone reads this blog could you send me a reminder thursday night! thanks!!